8 Fascinating Things You Can Only See in Dubai

8 Fascinating Things You Can Only See in Dubai

Don't miss a chance to visit Dubai before you die! The city has a lot of incredible things to explore. You can even find some of them only in Dubai. The things you can only see in Dubai below will explain why you must go to this city right away.

Indeed, you will get new experiences after exploring those things. Check the list below and pick the most incredible things that make you more curious.

A Unique Public Library Building

Public libraries in most countries were built in a square shape. Surprisingly, you will find a different library building in Dubai. Imagine that you are seeing a giant book in the middle of the city.

Yes! The architects of the public library designed a building that is shaped like a book. The name of the library is the Mohammed Bin Rashid Library (MBR Library). You will not only be pleased with the shape of the building but also the book collections.

This library stores over 10 million books in a variety of genres. The management also supports this building with up to 500-seat theaters and multiple interactive zones. No more boredom when visiting this library. Your kids may love to spend time in this area. It can be a trick for the government to boost the reading habits of the people there.

A Fancy Police Patrol Car

Being a police officer in Dubai is like being a superhero. Imagine that they can ride luxury patrol car every day. The government turns the most expensive vehicles, such as Lamborghini, McLaren, Mercedes, and Rolls Royce into police cars.

The police vehicle in Dubai became more popular after remodeling the Bugatti Veyron, the fastest car in the world to become one of their patrol vehicles. It means that Dubai has the fastest police car in the world! Now, you can wonder how fast the police are chasing a thief or perpetrator. So, don't miss a chance to take a picture with this fancy police patrol when you are in Dubai.

The City Uses Helicopters as One of the Public Transportation

Riding a fancy taxi, bus, or train can be a common thing for you. You can ride this public transportation in most countries. Yet, how about if you can rent a helicopter to go to a place?

Helicopters delivering passengers in the sky is one of the unique things you can only see in Dubai. This luxury transportation is even managed by a specific company! You have to book a helicopter trip first to the company to ride it.

Then, a professional pilot will deliver you for a 15-minute exploration. Imagine the feeling of seeing the beautiful city from the sky. The management even has a plan to develop a commercial hyperloop capsule.

The city is about to use this high-tech vehicle to shortcut the route from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. Previously, people had to take a few hours from Abu Dhabi to Dubai and vice versa. The Hyperloop capsule will make this long trip into a few minutes one!

The City Uses Burj Al' Arab Helipad for a Variety of Activities

As its name suggests, a helipad is a place to park a helicopter. In Dubai, a helipad is not only for helicopters but also for specific outdoor activities. For instance, holding a wedding party in Burj Al' Arab is a popular activity.

People in Dubai even held specific sports events, such as wrestling matches, tennis games, and many more there. It means that you are doing an activity in a 321-meter (1.053 feet) helipad. It sounds risky to do, but also challenging to try.

This City Has a Sailing Supermarket

You can't only visit supermarkets in specific areas in Dubai. You can also call and buy something from a sailing supermarket. The idea of this unique supermarket is to accommodate people who are cruising in the middle of the sea.

Because of this service, you can order your favorite snacks even if you are in the middle of the sea. Believe it or not, the supermarkets are coming from the most popular brands in the world! All you have to do is call the sailing supermarket.

Remember to mention the products you want to order. A supermarket in the form of a ship will come to your area to bring the order. This service is ready to serve hot and cold snacks, ice cream, fresh food, and many more.

You can even order non-food products, such as sunscreen and medicines. This service is also ready for people on the land. Just use a specific app to order groceries or other products. Then, a delivery service will come to your address to deliver the order.

People are Allowed to Take Care of a Wild Animal as a Pet

Don't get shocked if you see a person in Dubai take a cheetah walk around the town. It is because you are allowed to take care of a wild animal as a pet in Dubai. Indeed, people who want to take wild animals as pets should follow strict terms and conditions.

The owners often take their beloved exotic pet outside for a walk in the afternoon. You should take a picture or video when seeing this phenomenon. Imagine that it is something you can only see in Dubai.

Camel Racing with Robot Jockeys

Seeing a camel racing can be an ordinary thing for some people. Yet, how about seeing a camel racing with a robot jockey? Yes, people in Dubai replace the use of a human jockey with a robot.

The robot is designed along with a walkie-talkie speaker. The owner of the camel uses the speaker to command their camel during the racing. As a result, the camel still stays on the track and continues the racing although their jockeys are not there.

This City Has the Most Luxurious Ambulance

Dubai is not only using luxury cars for police patrol cars but also ambulances. It is a common thing to see Land Rover, Range Rover, Nissan GT-R, or even Chevrolet Corvette on the road. The most interesting part is that the vehicles are not a personal car but an ambulance.

This luxury ambulance is about to come out when there are accidents and drowning incidents. The fascinating part is that they have modified these luxury vehicles with oxygen cylinders and cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment. The idea of using supercars as ambulances is to get to the incident right away.

Because of that, medics can get to the incident in only four to eight minutes. A chance to save the wounded people will be bigger. At least, the medic can give first aid to the patients right away before delivering them to the nearest hospital.

One thing is for sure, you will be fascinated with Dubai. You will experience something you might never see in other countries except in Dubai. The list of the things you can only see in Dubai above is only a few examples.

Take a few weeks to explore this city, and you will get a lot of unique things. It can be a great attraction to share with friends and family members. Indeed, Dubai will give you the most unforgettable holiday because of the unique things above.

Faisal "The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus." - Bruce Lee

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