Tips to Protect Your Eyes as You are Aging

Tips to Protect Your Eyes as You are Aging

It's common to witness changes in your eyesight as you become older. Losing the capacity to see details up close, having difficulty telling colors apart, especially blue from black, along with taking longer to adjust to shifting light levels are a few frequent changes that older person's experience. The solutions to these issues are frequently simple. You could find it easier to retain your way of life and freedom with the aid of contact lenses, glasses, better lighting, and also useful tips to protect your eyes.

As you become older, you're more likely to get certain eye diseases and ailments, and other eye problems are more severe. Get frequent eye exams to maintain your eyes as well as possible and to catch any issues early.

How can you protect your eyes? Tips to Protect Your Eyes

Regularly get your eyes examined by an eye treatment specialist, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Early detection and treatment of any issues can aid in maintaining your eyesight and preventing vision loss. Make a list about your inquiries and worries to bring up with the physician. Inform them about the drugs you are taking, since some may have an impact on your eyes.

Your vision is typically unaffected by the natural changes that occur as you age. However, sometimes they could indicate a more serious issue. For instance, you could cry uncontrollably. This may occur due to temperature fluctuations, wind, or light sensitivity.

Eye drops as well as sunglasses may be helpful. Leaking tears can occasionally be an indication of dry eye, an infection, or a clogged tear duct. These issues can be resolved by your eye care practitioner.

Early on with eye illnesses, many people don't notice any indications or symptoms. The only method to identify some common eye disorders while they're still treatable and before they result in vision loss is through a dilated eye exam conducted by an eye care specialist.

Even if you have strong vision and don't wear contacts or glasses, everyone over 50 should get a dilated eye test every year or as advised by your eye care specialist. You should have a dilated eye test at least annually beyond the age of 60. A dilated exam is often required for patients with diabetes as well as hypertension at least once per year.

The eye doctor will use eye drops to dilate (widen) the pupils during this test so that they can see more clearly inside each one of your eyes. Following the examination, you can experience blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light. Few hours are all that lasts. Make arrangements for a ride home from someone else.

Get your prescription tested as well if you use glasses or contacts. Your risk of falling and getting hurt might rise with even minor changes in your vision. Utilizing the appropriate prescription eyewear or contact lenses is crucial.

To monitor for conditions like diabetes as well as high blood pressure, schedule routine visits with your main healthcare provider. If these illnesses are not treated or managed, they may result in eye issues.

Eye Conditions and Diseases

The following eye conditions can cause blindness and visual loss in elderly people. Early symptoms might be limited or nonexistent. Your best defense is to get routine eye checkups. If your eye doctor detects a problem right away, there are frequent steps you may take to safeguard your eyesight.

  • AMD (age-related macular degeneration)

The strong, central vision required for everyday tasks like driving and reading as well as for seeing objects clearly can be harmed by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Throughout a dilated eye test, your eye care specialist will inquire about the family history and check for AMD symptoms.

Special nutritional supplements can help reduce your risk of it growing worse, and there are treatments available.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy and it is generally lacking any early warning symptoms and develops slowly. Make sure to have a dilated eye test for a minimum of once a year when you have diabetes.

Maintaining healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels can help avoid or delay the onset of diabetic retinopathy. Later laser surgery may be able to stop it from growing worse in certain cases.

  • Cataracts

Cataracts are cloudy regions in the lens of the eye that result in foggy or blurry vision. Some cataracts remain tiny and don't significantly alter your vision. Others enlarge and lose their eyesight.

Cataracts surgery is a popular and safe procedure that can help restore normal eyesight. Your eye doctor will keep an eye out for changes in your cataract over time to determine if surgery will be beneficial for you.

  • Glaucoma

The most common cause of glaucoma is excessive fluid pressure in your eyes. It can result in blindness and visual loss if untreated. Often, glaucoma patients don't experience any early signs or discomfort. By getting dilated eye tests on a yearly basis, you may help safeguard yourself. Lasers, surgery, and prescription eye drops are all options for treating glaucoma.

  • Dry Eye

Tear gland dysfunction leads to dry eyes. You could experience stinging or burning, grit in your eyes, or other irritation. As individuals age, dry eyes are frequent, especially in women.

Your eye doctor could advise using an air purifier or humidifier in your house, as well as specialized eye drops or artificial tears, to treat dry eyes. Options for treatment for more severe instances may include prescription medications, tear duct plugs, as well as surgery.

What exactly is low vision?

Low vision is the inability to correct your vision through glasses, contacts, medicine, surgery, or other means. Some people experience low eyesight as they become older. If you feel that lights don't appear as bright, if you cannot see properly to perform daily chores like reading or cooking, if you have difficulties recognizing your friends or family faces, or if you struggle to see street signs, you may have poor or low vision. Ask your eye doctor to check your low vision in case you suffer from any of these issues.

You may adapt with vision loss and create the most in your remaining sight with the help of vision rehabilitation therapies and specific tools, such as magnifying devices. Additionally, there are initiatives that provide free access to materials for those with low vision or other visual impairments, including the National Library Service.

Always check with your ophthalmologist to see if driving while impaired by eyesight is safe for you. If you must discontinue driving, local businesses might be able to get you rides, or public transportation can be an option.

Additional advice:

  • Make your room's lighting brighter.
  • Use strong, black felt-tip markers to write.
  • To write on a straight line, choose paper with bold lines.
  • To make the edges of any staircases in your house easier to notice and to save you from falling, cover them with colorful tape.
  • Install electrical outlets as well as light switches with dark colors so you can clearly see them against bright-colored walls.
  • Use motion-activated lights that come on as you enter a space. These could assist you in preventing mishaps brought on by low lighting.
  • Use phones with large displays and clocks using large numbers; place labels in large type on the stove as well as the microwave.
Faisal "The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus." - Bruce Lee

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